Internet Resources

Emission Inventories, Emission Factors, Exposures

Resources » Emission Inventories


Emission Certification Data

Papers & Reports

The Contribution of Diesel Engines to Emissions of Reactive Organic Gases (ROG), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) in California: Past, Present and Future

Diesel Technology Forum, September 2005

A white paper examines emissions data from California as a whole as well as the South Coast, San Joaquin Valley and San Francisco Bay Area Air Basins from 1975 through 2020.
North American Trade and Transportation Corridors: Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Strategies

North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, February 21, 2001

A study investigating the impact of cross-border truck and rail traffic within NAFTA on air pollution.
Airborne Concentrations of PM2.5 and Diesel Exhaust Particles on Harlem Sidewalks: A Community-Based Pilot Study

Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 108(3), March 2000 |

A correlation between diesel traffic and ambient PM2.5 and elemental carbon exposures was studied in Harlem, New York City.

Web Sites & Databases

Australia: Diesel Vehicle Emissions Preparatory Projects

National Environment Protection Council (NEPC)

A series of NEPC projects involving diesel fleets characterization, in-use emission performance, drive cycles, and diesel fuels characteristics.
Canada: National Pollutant Release Inventory

Environment Canada

The official Canadian air emissions inventory, includes criteria pollutants and a number of air toxics from transportation sources broken into diesel and gasoline categories.
European Union: Road Transport Emission Modeling—Copert III

Aristotle University / European Environment Agency

Copert III software tool used for road transport emission inventories modeling.
Germany: Umweltdaten Deutschland

Umweltbundesamt Berlin

Includes air pollutant emission inventory, ambient exposures, and a wealth of other environmental data from Germany.
Hong Kong: Air Pollutants Emission Inventory

Hong Kong EPD

Hong Kong air pollutants emission inventory for PM, SO2, NOx, NMVOC, and CO emissions.
UK: National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory

Website maintained by AEA on behalf of the UK Department of the Environment

The official air emissions inventory for the UK, covering the period from 1970 to the latest year.
USA: National Air Pollutant Emission Trends Report


Estimates of U.S. national anthropogenic emissions of criteria air pollutants from many different source categories.
USA: Vehicle & Engine Emission Modeling Software


Emission models by the US EPA, includes MOBILEx, PART5, NONROAD...
USA: California Mobile Source Emission Inventory Program

California ARB

On- and off-road emission factors and emission models developed by the California Air Resources Board.