CleanAIR catalytic converter certified in Sweden
24 November 1998
CleanAIR Systems, Inc. announced that its diesel catalytic converter has recently received certification by the Swedish Government for both on- and off-road use under the Swedish Environmental Zones program. The converter can be used on diesel-powered trucks and buses, as well as heavy construction equipment.
The certification testing was performed by AB Svensk Bilprovning Motortest Center on a chassis dynamometer using a MB609D bus with a Mercedes OM364 diesel engine. To simulate the worst-case scenario of stop-and-go driving and low exhaust temperatures, the test cycle used was the "Braunschweig City Driving Cycle," representing a typical driving pattern for a bus or delivery truck traveling a city route.
The Swedish Environmental Zones program requires an 80% hydrocarbon reduction for both on- and off-road vehicles and a 20% reduction in diesel particulates for on-road vehicles. The CleanAIR Systems converter reduced hydrocarbons by 86%, diesel particulate matter by 43%, carbon monoxide by 91% and nitrogen oxides by 13%.
CleanAIR announced earlier that another of its products, a diesel filter system, received the Swedish certification.
Founded in 1993, CleanAIR Systems Inc., a privately held manufacturing company based in Santa Fe, N.M., specializes in engine emissions control products. For more information about CleanAIR Systems' products for diesel, propane and gasoline engines, call 1-800-355-5513, or outside the United States call (505) 474-4120.
Source: CleanAir Systems
Contact: Michael Roach, (505) 474-4122