TNRCC sponsors Innovative Technology/Aftermarket Retrofit Program Workshop
6 August 2000
The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) is sponsoring a two-day Innovative Technology/Aftermarket Retrofit Program Workshop, which is scheduled for September 11 and 12 at the Wyndham Greenspoint Hotel in Houston, Texas. The purpose of the workshop is for stakeholders and all interested parties to gain a better understanding of the innovative technology process and the diesel emission control retrofit program for Texas.
The TNRCC has invited the following to attend: the US EPA, state officials, city and local governments, fleet operators, construction equipment manufacturers, diesel engine emissions retrofit systems manufacturers, retrofit system testing and research groups, Association of Construction Equipment Operators, American Trucking Association, Engine Manufacturers Association, Manufacturers of Emission Control Association, and other affected entities.
For more information contact: Sue Philips, 512/239-6327, or Basil Ubanwa, 512/239-1473, or visit