JM CRT particulate filter receives California verification for most 1994 and newer HDD engines
11 October 2001
The Continuously Regenerating Technology, or CRT™ Particulate Filter by Johnson Matthey (JM) received California Air Resources Board (ARB) verification for most 1994 and newer four-stroke HDD engines. The CRT was previously verified by the ARB for DDC Series 50 and 60 engines.
The verification extends the applicability of the CRT system onto the following engines (all model year 1994-2001):
Caterpillar 3116, 3126, 3176, 3306, 3406, C10, C12, C15, C16
Cummins L10, M11, N14, ISB, ISC, ISM, ISX, Signature, B Series, C Series
Detroit Diesel Series 50, Series 60
International T444, DT 466, 530, 7.3 DIT
Mack E7, EM7
Volvo VE D7, VE D12
The verification is required for the CRT to be used in various diesel retrofit programs that are being implemented under the ARB’s Diesel Risk Reduction Program. The filter has been verified as the “Level Three” retrofit device reducing particulate matter (PM) emissions by at least 85% over an emission durability period of at least 150,000 miles. The filter must be operated with ultra low sulfur diesel fuel (15 ppm S).
According to JM, more than 23,000 CRT filters in use worldwide have accumulated more than a billion miles of service.
Source: Johnson Matthey