Sensors, Ford to partner in development of on-board emission analyzers
19 April 2003
Saline, MI-based Sensors, Inc. announced signing a 5-year cooperative agreement with Ford Motor Company to partner in the development of analytical techniques for measuring gasoline and diesel engine emissions under real-world, on-road driving conditions.
Under the agreement, technologies from both companies will be incorporated into two next generation emission monitoring systems: SEMTECH-G for gasoline engines and SEMTECH-D for diesel. The current versions of the SEMTECH analyzers were developed by Sensors over the past three years in cooperation with Ford.
SEMTECH is a self-contained, battery powered analytical unit that can be installed in the trunk of a test car or in the cargo area of a test truck to measure tailpipe emissions. An exhaust probe gathers the emissions while the test system collects data from the vehicle’s on-board computer.
Source: Sensors, Inc.