Japan to propose new emission standards for nonroad engines
9 August 2003
The Air Pollution Committee of the Japanese Central Environmental Council (CEC) has agreed on the next stage emissions limits for “special motor vehicles”. The new limits are expected to be published soon by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) and the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT). The limits are listed in our summary of Japanese off-road emission standards (see Stage 2 proposed limits).
The standards apply to nonroad vehicles rated between 19-560 kW which are subject to registration and are fitted with licence plates. Example equipment include forklifts, wheel loaders, and agricultural tractors.
Regrettably, the new Japanese standards, to be implemented in 2006-2008, are not harmonized with US/EU legislation. While their stringency is generally comparable to the US Tier 3 (2006-2008) and the EU Stage III A (2005-2007), they show many discrepancies, such as somewhat more stringent PM limits.
The proposed standards will not require the use of exhaust aftertreatment devices, such as diesel particulate filters. The CEC said it will consider adopting aftertreatment-forcing standards with implementation dates around 2010.
The proposal also includes limits for special vehicles fueled by gasoline and LPG (NOx = 0.6, HC = 0.6, CO = 20, PM not regulated, effective 2007).
Source: LEMA