US EPA announces $3 million in diesel emission reduction grants on the West Coast
25 January 2006
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $3 million in grant monies for projects aimed at reducing diesel emissions on the West Coast. The EPA expects to award up to 12 grants ranging from $50,000 to $500,000. The EPA is seeking grant proposals for projects that demonstrate new, innovative or experimental approaches to reducing diesel emissions.
The grant program is part of the West Coast Collaborative, which has awarded more than $2.6 million in grants for 28 projects since 2004. Past grant projects have included electrifying truck stops and cruise ship terminals, converting restaurant waste oil to biodiesel fuel and a establishing a revolving loan fund to reduce locomotive emissions.
The EPA will consider proposals from states, international organizations, public and private universities and colleges, hospitals, laboratories and other public or private nonprofit institutions. Proposals are due on March 23, 2006.
Source: US EPA (press release)