Johnson Matthey announces Concat™ IC SCR system for stationary engines
8 January 2013
Johnson Matthey’s Stationary Emissions Control (SEC) group announced a new SCR system for stationary diesel and natural gas engines. The new, compact Concat™ IC SCR System can be 30 to 40% less costly than a typical SCR system, yet offers the same NOx reduction performance, according to Johnson Matthey. The system was introduced at the PowerGen 2012 show in Orlando, Florida.
Featuring a more compact design, this latest SCR system from Johnson Matthey provides more flexibility in housing design, especially for installations where space is at a premium. With the Concat IC SCR System, for the same NOx reduction performance as a typical system, as much as 70% smaller space claim and 50% less weight can be realized.
The new Concat IC SCR system for diesel or natural gas engines is suited for both new projects and for retrofitting into existing installations.

Source: Johnson Matthey