Proventia to deliver SCR + DPF systems for Helsinki buses
18 December 2015
Proventia Emission Control will deliver its NOxBUSTER® DPF + SCR exhaust aftertreatment system and the PROCARE™ Drive emission monitoring system for a bus route in Helsinki, where the EU annual threshold values for nitrogen dioxide (40 μg/m3) have been exceeded over several years.
The installation of the aftertreatment and monitoring systems is connected to the objective of Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) to significantly reduce emissions from public transportation by 2025. With the help of the HSL environmental bonus, the operator of the line will install the emission aftertreatment and monitoring systems in all of its 37 buses.

Proventia’s NOxBUSTER DPF + SCR system includes a diesel particulate filter to control PM emissions and a urea-SCR catalyst to reduce NOx. The PROCARE™ Drive emission monitoring system will allow HSL and the bus line operator to monitor the functionality of the aftertreatment system and vehicle-specific NOx emissions in real time.
The PROCARE Drive emission tracking solution is a web-based solution that monitors the performance of the vehicles’ exhaust aftertreatment system online 24/7 using GPS and 3G wireless technology. The system includes a data logging device installed in a vehicle and the web service, which collects and saves information to the cloud.
Source: Proventia