Call for Attendance: ASME Internal Combustion Engine Fall Conference
9 October 2020
The 2020 ASME Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference (ICEF) will be held on November 4-6, 2020 as a virtual event. The registrations are now open!

The three day event begins on Wednesday, November 4th with a welcome and keynote address, and ends with an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) division associates meeting on the afternoon of Friday, November 6th.
- Technical presentations, keynote and invited talks are planned throughout Wednesday, November 4th and Thursday, November 5th.
- The annual awards ceremony will also be held virtually on November 4th evening.
- A special workshop will be hosted by AVL entitled “Real time engine and aftertreatment modeling” on the morning of Friday, November 6th.
- An organized “networking session” is planned on November 5th for early career researchers to chat with the ASME ICE executive committee and other key leaders in industry, academia and national labs. Young researchers are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to grow their networks and explore the career options in this field.
This conference is intended to provide a collegial atmosphere to discuss and exchange information related to the science and engineering of internal combustion engines. It provides a forum for experts from members of industry, academia, and governments from all over the world to share and discuss the latest technological developments. The conference program is distributed into seven technical tracks with multiple concurrent sessions, spread over two days. The sessions cover a wide range of topics across 7 technical sessions:
- Large Bore Engines;
- Fuels;
- Advanced Combustion;
- Powertrain and Emissions Systems;
- Fuel Injection and Sprays;
- Numerical Simulation; and
- Engine Design and Mechanical Development.
In addition to technical presentations, the conference features three keynote talks on Wednesday and Thursday, and presentations by winners of the undergraduate student competition during lunchtime on Wednesday.
The plenary keynote on Wednesday, November 4th morning will be delivered by Dr. John Farrell, Laboratory Program Manager for Vehicle Technologies at National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The keynote address on Wednesday afternoon will be delivered by Dr. Prith Banerjee, Chief Technology Officer of ANSYS. The Thursday morning speaker will be Prof. Bryan Willson who is the Executive Director of the Energy Institute at Colorado State University.
This is also the eight year of the undergraduate student competition, which is designed to engage and promote the next generation of internal combustion engine engineers and researchers. This competition has attracted steady participation over the years. The two winners this year will be announced at the conference. Their winning presentations will be on Thursday afternoon.
Registered participants receive online digital access to all technical presentations. Pre-recorded presentations will be available until December 7, 2020.