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Emission Standards

Peru: On-Road Vehicles and Engines

Maximum permissible emission limits for existing vehicles, new imported or domestically assembled vehicles and used imported vehicles are as follows:

  • Starting 2003.01, all new light- and medium-duty vehicles in Peru were required to meet either US or EU emission standards (Euro 2 or US Tier 0). New heavy-duty vehicles were required to meet Euro II [6346].
  • Starting in 2007, new light- and medium-duty vehicles were required to meet Euro 3 or US Tier 1 requirements and new heavy-duty vehicles were required to meet Euro III requirements [6346].
  • Starting 2018.04, new light- and medium-duty vehicles were required to meet Euro 4 or US Tier 2 requirements and new heavy-duty vehicles were required to meet Euro IV requirements [6347].
  • Euro 6b/US Tier 3 for light- and medium-duty and Euro VI for heavy-duty were originally scheduled to take effect 2024.10 [6348]. However, a delay in implementing the required 10 ppm fuel sulfur limit delayed the implementation of these standards to 2026.04 [6349].

Peruvian emission requirements for light-, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles are summarized in the following tables.

Table 1
Emission requirements for CI and SI light-duty vehicles
Option 1Option 2
2003Euro 2aUS Tier 0b
2007Euro 3aUS Tier 1b
2018.04Euro 4c,dUS Tier 2 Bin 5e,f
2026.04Euro 6bc,dUS Tier 3 Bin 125e,f
2026.10US Tier 3 Bin 70e,f
a Passenger vehicles GVWR ≤ 2500 kg or ≤ 6 seats
b Passenger vehicles ≤ 12 seats
c Passenger vehicles GVWR ≤ 3,500 kg
d Commercial vehicles GVWR ≤ 3,500 kg
e Passenger vehicles GVWR ≤ 4,500 kg
f Commercial vehicles GVWR < 3,900 kg
Table 2
Emission requirements for CI and SI heavy-duty vehicles*
2003Euro II13 mode
2007Euro IIIESC + ELR
2018.04Euro IVESC + ELR
2026.04Euro VI-AWHSC + WHTC
* Passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles > 3,500 kg

Fuels. A national limit of 10 ppm sulfur is scheduled to take effect 2025.10 for diesel (B5), gasoline and gasoline/alcohol blends. Diesel, regular gasoline and regular gasoline/alcohol blends are exempt in the regions of Loreto and Ucayali [6349]. Prior to this, the national sulfur limit in diesel, gasoline and gasoline/alcohol blends was set at 50 ppm.