4th International ETH Conference on Nanoparticle Measurement—Call for Papers
27 May 2000
The scientific community interested in nanoparticle research will meet again on August 7-9, 2000, in Zurich during the 4th International ETH Conference on Nanoparticle Measurement. This year tentative program includes two days of technical presentations and, on the third day, workshops on Standardization of Measurement Methods and on Calibration and Traceability. There are also plans for a visit to a famous tunnel site near Amsteg, where all diesels are equipped with particulate traps.
The organizers are now making the first “Call for Papers”, seeking papers under the following themes:
- Health effects and regulation trends
- Research on nanoparticles from combustion
- Instrumentation and calibration
- Nanoparticle emissions from fossil fuel combustion
- Nanoparticle emissions from other sources
- Engine and fuel technology and their influence on nanoparticle properties
- Engine aftertreatment technologies
As in previous years, there will be no conference fee - thanks to the support of the workshop by ETH, BUWAL, SUVA and other sponsors.
Proceedings from the previous 3 workshops (1997/98/99) will be available on CD-ROM during the conference and can be pre-ordered now (click on the link below).
Source: TTM