California ARB verifies Cleaire Flash and Match™ oxidation catalyst system
22 May 2003
The California Air resources Board (ARB) has extended the verification of the Cleaire Flash and Match™ oxidation catalyst based emissions control system for use on model year 1993 Cummins M11 engines. The system—verified as Level 1 device—combines a diesel oxidation catalyst with engine modifications to achieve 25% PM emission reduction. Under certain conditions the catalyst also shows a lean-NOx activity providing a reduction in NOx of 25%.
The Flash and Match™ system includes an oxidation catalyst, Cummins ReCon® fuel injectors, and an engine reflash. The system was first verified by the ARB in April 2002 for selected model year 1994-1998 Cummins M11 engines in long-haul truck (steady-state) application.
Emission verification by the ARB is required for all emissions control systems to be used in diesel retrofit programs in California.
Source: California ARB